Converting number into words in SQL Server, Java and C#This sql function and call(fNumToWords)it wher ever u want 1.First convert digit to figures converts 10-99 digit to figures create Function dbo.fConvertDigit(@decNumber decimal) returns varchar(6) as Begin declare @strWords varchar(6) Select @strWords = Case @decNumber When '1' then 'One' When '2' then 'Two' When '3' then 'Three' When '4' then 'Four' When '5' then 'Five' When '6' then 'Six' When '7' then 'Seven' When '8' then 'Eight' When '9' then 'Nine' Else '' end return @strWords end 2 function this will convert 10-99 create Function dbo.fConvertTens(@decNumber varchar(2)) returns varchar(30) as Begin declare @strWords varchar(30) --Is value between 10 and 19? If Left(@decNumber, 1) = 1 begin Select @strWords = Case @decNumber When '10' then 'Ten' When '11' then 'Eleven' When '12' then 'Twelve' When '13' then 'Thirteen' When '14' then 'Fourteen' When '15' then 'Fifteen' When '16' then 'Sixteen' When '17' then 'Seventeen' When '18' then 'Eighteen' When '19' then 'Nineteen' end end else -- otherwise it's between 20 and 99. begin Select @strWords = Case Left(@decNumber, 1) When '0' then '' When '2' then 'Twenty ' When '3' then 'Thirty ' When '4' then 'Forty ' When '5' then 'Fifty ' When '6' then 'Sixty ' When '7' then 'Seventy ' When '8' then 'Eighty ' When '9' then 'Ninety ' end Select @strWords = @strWords + dbo.fConvertDigit(Right(@decNumber, 1)) end --Convert ones place digit. return @strWords end 3.The following function calls above two functions we need to call this function to see the output. create function dbo.fNumToWords (@decNumber decimal(12, 2)) returns varchar(300) As Begin Declare @strNumber varchar(100), @strRupees varchar(200), @strPaise varchar(100), @strWords varchar(300), @intIndex integer, @intAndFlag integer Select @strNumber = Cast(@decNumber as varchar(100)) Select @intIndex = CharIndex('.', @strNumber) if(@decNumber>99999999.99) BEGIN RETURN '' END If @intIndex > 0 begin Select @strPaise = dbo.fConvertTens(Right(@strNumber, Len(@strNumber) - @intIndex)) Select @strNumber = SubString(@strNumber, 1, Len(@strNumber) - 3) If Len(@strPaise) > 0 Select @strPaise = @strPaise + ' paise' end Select @strRupees = '' Select @intIndex=len(@strNumber) Select @intAndFlag=2 while(@intIndex>0) begin if(@intIndex=8) begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(left(@decNumber,1))+' Crore ' Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,2,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-1 end else if(@intIndex=7) begin if(substring(@strNumber,1,1)='0') begin if substring(@strNumber,2,1)<>'0' begin if (@strRupees<>NULL and substring(@strNumber,3,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,4,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,5,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,6,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,7,1)='0' and @intAndFlag=2 and @strPaise=NULL) begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+' and ' +dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,2,1))+' Lakh ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,2,1))+' Lakh ' end Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,3,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-2 end else begin Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,3,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-2 end end else begin if(substring(@strNumber,3,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,4,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,5,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,6,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,7,1)='0' and @intAndFlag=2 and @strPaise='') begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+' and ' + dbo.fConvertTens(substring(@strNumber,1,2))+' Lakhs ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertTens(substring(@strNumber,1,2))+' Lakhs ' end Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,3,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-2 end end else if(@intIndex=6) begin if(substring(@strNumber,2,1)<>'0' or substring(@strNumber,3,1)<>'0' and substring(@strNumber,4,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,5,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,6,1)='0' and @intAndFlag=2 and @strPaise='') begin if len(@strRupees) <= 0 begin if convert(int,substring(@strNumber,1,1)) = 1 begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+'' + dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Lakh ' Select @intAndFlag=2 end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+'' + dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Lakhs ' Select @intAndFlag=2 end end else begin if convert(int,substring(@strNumber,1,1)) = 1 begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+' and' + dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Lakh ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+' and' + dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Lakhs ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end end end else begin if convert(int,substring(@strNumber,1,1)) = 1 begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Lakh ' end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Lakhs ' end end Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,2,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-1 end else if(@intIndex=5) begin if(substring(@strNumber,1,1)='0') begin if substring(@strNumber,2,1)<>'0' begin if(substring(@strNumber,3,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,4,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,5,1)='0' and @intAndFlag=2 and @strPaise='') begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+' and ' +dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,2,1))+' Thousand ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,2,1))+' Thousand ' end Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,3,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-2 end else begin Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,3,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-2 end end else begin if(substring(@strNumber,3,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,4,1)='0' and substring(@strNumber,5,1)='0' and @intAndFlag=2 and @strPaise='') begin --Select @strRupees=@strRupees+'andjo'+dbo.fConvertTens(substring(@strNumber,1,2))+' Thousand ' Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertTens(substring(@strNumber,1,2))+' Thousand ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertTens(substring(@strNumber,1,2))+' Thousand ' end Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,3,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-2 end end else if(@intIndex=4) begin if ( (substring(@strNumber,3,1)<>'0' or substring(@strNumber,4,1)<>'0') and substring(@strNumber,2,1)='0' and @intAndFlag=2 and @strPaise='') begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+' and' + dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Thousand ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end else begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Thousand ' end Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,2,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-1 end else if(@intIndex=3) begin if substring(@strNumber,1,1)<>'0' begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(substring(@strNumber,1,1))+' Hundred ' Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,2,len(@strNumber)) if( (substring(@strNumber,1,1)<>'0' or substring(@strNumber,2,1)<>'0') and @intAndFlag=2 ) begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+' and ' Select @intAndFlag=1 end Select @intIndex=@intIndex-1 end else begin Select @strNumber=substring(@strNumber,2,len(@strNumber)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-1 end end else if(@intIndex=2) begin if substring(@strNumber,1,1)<>'0' begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertTens(substring(@strNumber,1,2)) Select @intIndex=@intIndex-2 end else begin Select @intIndex=@intIndex-1 end end else if(@intIndex=1) begin if(@strNumber<>'0') begin Select @strRupees=@strRupees+dbo.fConvertDigit(@strNumber) end Select @intIndex=@intIndex-1 end continue end if len(@strRupees)>0 Select @strRupees=@strRupees+ ' rupees ' IF(len(@strPaise)<>0) BEGIN if len(@strRupees)>0 Select @strRupees=@strRupees + ' and ' END Select @strWords = IsNull(@strRupees, '') + IsNull(@strPaise, '') select @strWords = @strWords + ' only' Return @strWords End ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the sql Server Function that will generate String word of the number input... The Java Function in English Format will be............................................................................... /** * * @author Laxman @link */ public class NumberToWord { /** * This Method will convert and display the Word of the Input integer Number * For example it is use full to display the Amount in wrod of Money Value * In English Format like ###,###,### * @param inputNum * @return the string in word of the input. */ public static String integerToWords(long inputNum) { int dig1, dig2, dig3, level = 0, lasttwo, threeDigits; String retval = ""; String x = ""; String[] ones ={ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" }; String[] tens ={ "zero", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" }; String[] thou ={ "", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion" }; boolean isNegative = false; if (inputNum < 0) { isNegative = true; inputNum *= -1; } if (inputNum == 0) return ("zero"); String s = String.valueOf(inputNum); while (s.length() > 0) { // Get the three rightmost characters x = (s.length() < 3) ? s : s.substring(s.length() - 3, s.length()); // Separate the three digits threeDigits = Integer.parseInt(x); lasttwo = threeDigits % 100; dig1 = threeDigits / 100; dig2 = lasttwo / 10; dig3 = (threeDigits % 10); // append a "thousand" where appropriate if (level > 0 && dig1 + dig2 + dig3 > 0) { retval = thou[level] + " " + retval; retval = retval.trim(); } // check that the last two digits is not a zero if (lasttwo > 0) { if (lasttwo < 20) // if less than 20, use "ones" only retval = ones[lasttwo] + " " + retval; else // otherwise, use both "tens" and "ones" array retval = tens[dig2] + " " + ones[dig3] + " " + retval; } // if a hundreds part is there, translate it if (dig1 > 0) retval = ones[dig1] + " hundred " + retval; s = (s.length() - 3) > 0 ? s.substring(0, s.length() - 3) : ""; level++; } while (retval.indexOf(" ") > 0) retval = retval.replace(" ", " "); retval = retval.trim(); if (isNegative) retval = "negative " + retval; return (retval); } /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("The word or 987654321 "+integerToWords(987654321)); // The out put will be //The word or 987654321 nine hundred eighty seven million six hundred fifty four thousand three hundred twenty one } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C# Function will be............... using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show(IntegerToWords(23) , "System Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } public string IntegerToWords(long inputNum) { int dig1, dig2, dig3, level = 0, lasttwo, threeDigits; string retval = ""; string x = ""; string[] ones ={ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" }; string[] tens ={ "zero", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" }; string[] thou ={ "", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion" }; bool isNegative = false; if (inputNum < 0) { isNegative = true; inputNum *= -1; } if (inputNum == 0) return ("zero"); string s = inputNum.ToString(); while (s.Length > 0) { // Get the three rightmost characters x = (s.Length < 3) ? s : s.Substring(s.Length - 3, 3); // Separate the three digits threeDigits = int.Parse(x); lasttwo = threeDigits % 100; dig1 = threeDigits / 100; dig2 = lasttwo / 10; dig3 = (threeDigits % 10); // append a "thousand" where appropriate if (level > 0 && dig1 + dig2 + dig3 > 0) { retval = thou[level] + " " + retval; retval = retval.Trim(); } // check that the last two digits is not a zero if (lasttwo > 0) { if (lasttwo < 20) // if less than 20, use "ones" only retval = ones[lasttwo] + " " + retval; else // otherwise, use both "tens" and "ones" array retval = tens[dig2] + " " + ones[dig3] + " " + retval; } // if a hundreds part is there, translate it if (dig1 > 0) retval = ones[dig1] + " hundred " + retval; s = (s.Length - 3) > 0 ? s.Substring(0, s.Length - 3) : ""; level++; } while (retval.IndexOf(" ") > 0) retval = retval.Replace(" ", " "); retval = retval.Trim(); if (isNegative) retval = "negative " + retval; return (retval); } } } |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Converting number into words in SQL Server, Java and C#
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